Thursday, November 7, 2013


A.D.D. it up! (oooo look at all the pretty colors!)

   If you're bored and really desperate I'll share with you how I came up with the name and idea of this blog ;) and hopefully not get distracted along the way!

   I will skip the part on how I decided to start a blog. No science or orgasms behind the decision making process turning it from a quick decision into something amazing and spectacular. I just thought, "maybe I could start a blog," a short read through and wam bam thank you ma'am here I am. 

   So, like I was saying, I was reading in how to start a blog, and in the steps process on how to start a blog it said to dedicate your blog to one thing. ONE THING?! I love how people do that, start a business or hobby and concentrate solely on that one thing and make it amazingly successful. I admire people with that quality and I strive to attain the same in things I do....however, I'm not usually that great at it. Don't get me wrong I don't completely suck, I just get side tracked and people closest to me see it.  My husband says I am like the dog off the Disney movie 'UP' or Dori in 'Finding Nemo.' Friends use the term, 'Oh, look a butterfly!' So as much as I would love to deny it, obviously, that quality in me shows to those who know me.

   How to start a blog, though? I'm no master at anything. Not making bows, sewing dresses, painting, cars, movies and definitely not cooking! although I love to eat. But I do have a little interest in all of them. But to be a master, to dedicate myself to just one...I don't think I have it in me. The blogging world must not be cut out for me. I hadn't followed any one blog long enough to find out if more blogs are as scattered and unfamiliar as I am and I don't currently know anyone who writes blogs so I can't speak from experience. But one night my husband asked me a question, "Do you know how many domain names there are out there? 6 TRILLIOIN!" 6 Trillion!! out of all the 6 trillion domains there surely must be one as scattered and unfamiliar as me! and possibly, just possibly, out of all the 7+ billion people on earth maybe, just maybe, a few would read this. And if not, nothing lost and no hard feelings. You're off the hook this one time ;)

   So, in conclusion, I will attempt to fit my triangular shaped personality into this privileged circular shaped blogging universe and write a little about everything that interests me....or if all else fails, SQUIRREL! Y'all wish me luck!